Built with Berta

  1. E. K. Forsberg [1917-2007] was a Saskatchewan poet and writer. 

    Read her undated, "Secret Leaked Memo to All Departments"

  2. John Klacsmann [b. 1985] is Archivist at Anthology Film Archives. Visit his dot-org website: www.johnklax.org.

  3. Jon-Sesrie Goff [b. 1983] is an amazing filmmaker and ciné-savant. Here he is with Rick Prelinger (at left; also rad). Check out his work: jonsesriegoff.com

  4. Leslie Supnet [b. 1980] draws and makes short animations. She has really long hair in this picture. Find her work at: www.leslie-supnet.com/.

  5. Kramer O'Neill [b. 1976] is an American photographer in France. He makes great books and is a member of the Strangers collective. Amusez-vous avec: krameroneill.com

  6. Ina Diane Archer makes photography, film, video, and art. Her BLACK LEADER blog is terrific.

  7. Matthew Rankin [b. 1978] makes good films. Enjoy his Québeco-Manitoban wares at rankino.com